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Current Hypnosis Legislation

The practice of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy was deregulated in every state and territory of Australia by the 5th December 2005. It is not a requirement to be ‘licensed’ to practise hypnotherapy anywhere in Australia.The various hypnosis Associations and the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) act as self-appointed regulating bodies.

Association Information

The Australian Academy of Hypnosis training is approved by the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA). The HCA is the recognised governing body for Hypnosis Institutions, Schools and Associations. All significant hypnosis Associations recognise The Australian Academy of Hypnosis’ ‘Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy’ as a qualification for membership. Some associations may require insurance coverage, police clearance, and a senior first aid certificate. Please contact them directly for details. The Academy is not directly affiliated with any associations. However, we do recommend association membership, especially if you are planning to use hypnotherapy professionally. Some of the Hypnosis Associations you can apply to for membership are:

  • HCA Hypnotherapy Council of Australia
  • IHA International Hypnosis Association
  • PHA Professional Hypnotherapists of Australia 
  • ASCH Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotists

Our Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy is recognised by professional hypnosis associations in Australia and by the HCA (Hypnotherapy Council of Australia). It is also recognised by the NHS in the United Kingdom.